Portfolio Insight: House of Tiles, Active Ireland and two others!

It’s been a while since we last shared some of our latest work with you so we have selected four websites we developed recently to take a look at, so you an get an idea of what our designers and developers are doing on a daily basis. If you like them, feel free to contact us and discuss a customised solution.

House of Tiles

This project was a redesign, we have been working with House of tiles since 2003 and this time we wanted to develop a responsive website that would work well for their customers who are viewing the website on a mobile phone – this number has increased significantly and is now accounts for over 50% of their total audience.

We were given the opportunity to let our imaginations run wild and come up with a really different concept from what the company was using before. We chose a geometric, yet relatively fluid design, with large images and elements to complement them.

We were really careful with the UX, but also very original. The website navigation is very simple and easy to use, but we took the liberty of changing some clichés. For instance, there is no top navigation menu on the homepage. mock-tbp

Truck and Bus Parts

Truck and bus parts was also a redesign project. We chose a clean and sharp design, one which focuses only on the main functionality of the website i.e. instant access to search the parts catalogue both for desktop and mobile users. This ensures that users can find what they need in a matter of seconds. The result has been a new source of business for the Truck & Bus parts with a lot of calls and high level of traffic originating from the search engines – a source of business that Truck & Bus had not managed to tap into before.

Active Retired Ireland

Again we have been working with the Active Retirement Ireland groups since 2003 and with this website development we created a platform that is really easy to use. The aim was to help people understand what the organisation stands for and also to encourage people to get involved by making it easy to make contact, find local groups and get information.


Sometimes, there comes a company like Zevas with such a straightforward approach that makes you think you can enhance it only through simplicity. That’s exactly what we did. We identified their core services, and supported their work and success through real life examples of their work.