Pladder, an online social initiative

Pladder, an online social initiative, to get people talking and discussing topics of national and international interest.

  • Customer: Pladder

  • Project Type: Web

  • Release Date: 2011

  • Delivered: Website Design, Content Management System, Brand Development, Custom Backend, PHP, HTML5/CSS3, MySQL, Web Application

Custom Website Development

Pladder was developed as a community" website to foster online discussion among members. It was custom built web application with user registration and account management, user commenting and archiving,  and administrative management, notifications, real time polling, quote of the day, banner advertising management and automatic archiving.

Each discussion was set up to deal with different subjects on a daily basis and each discussion was set up with it's own dedicated archive structure.
The system was designed with future proofing to allow national websites to be rolled out  in different languages as required.

 The idea behind the concept was to give a focused approach and “home” for open discussion about current affairs and news stories.



Website development objectives

The objectives associated with the sites, set out by the founders, editors and publishers of the network of discussion was be divided into two main headings – the primary objectives relating to the content, discussions and contributions available on the site; but also the secondary objectives relating to the support and information sharing about good causes.

1. Content and discussion objectives. First and foremost they want to create a space, where you can engage in a focused, relevant, free, honest, fun and constructive debate about the main news events and developments on a daily basis.

2.Focused – because they dealt with the subjects ONE at a time, ONE day at a time. The focus would mean  giving a subject the attention it deserves and dealing with one subject at a time on a daily basis; rather than simply participating in the endless bombardment of news stories, that we are all exposed to every day.


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